I have just been writing a report for tonight’s PCC and the APCM (AGM for those non Anglicans!) on my first 6 months in post (although it’s actually about 8). There I was thinking I would keep it nice a brief, just put the basics in rather than making it too long. As a result after shrinking the font size it is still 4 pages, and this is only for half of my job! I have to admit while I have found the length of the report quite scary it is really encouraging to look back over what I have been doing, sometimes I think we focus so much on the things we haven’t managed that we wish we had that we miss out on what we have done. Yes there are still loads of things that I want to be able to add in next time around but until I really sat down and thought about it I didn’t really realise what I have achieved in the past few months. Although it has taken time to write the report I would really encourage any of you who are feeling slightly disheartened by what you have not achieved to look back at what you have done, it’s incredible and it has encouraged me no end.
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