Ever have one of those months where you just never seem to stop, there has been so much going on over the last few weeks that I don’t know whether I’m coming or going. At times I think Gill has almost thought I was a stranger keep hanging round the house! I love my job but sometimes you just get so snowed under that you have to start thinking where do my priories lie, Since getting the bus back things have just been crazy trying to get it ready to go out and now starting in several new venues, it’s exciting times, but it often means I can be out 5+ evenings a week at the moment which with a family is not so good, especially when I have worked all day as well. Anyway what with all this going on it means I have been neglectful of you my readers as well, and as things stand at the moment I can’t promise to start up again on a regular basis just yet but I will come back and try and keep things happening, and if you write something to me I might feel urged to respond. But for now keep plodding on and God bless you all!
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