Things that make you feel old!
One of the biggest impacts to help me feel old though was also several years ago running a youth group who were putting the latest ‘Now’ album on the CD player (somewhere around Now 35) and they asked “was there a now 1?” to which I replied “yes, it was just called ‘Now that’s what I call music’ I have it” (it’s a great album) Then came the question “what’s on it?” it was at this point that I realised most of the young people I was talking to at the time were not even born when it came out and probably would not understand the concept of Vinyl either!
The latest was this:-

Being a Dad is great and I don’t fell old because of being a Dad, but a Dad who’s son wears a school uniform, I’m not ready for that! (sorry to all those for whom this happened a long time ago and I have now made you feel even older)
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