Pictures and links

I cant believe it, I was invited to join one of these online community things, I was hesitant but decided to do it as it sounded quite good, you then find out that you only really get to use the features if you pay £24 a year (minimum). Anyway I wont be doing that, on my profile I added the same picture as I use on the blog today I received the following email:-
"Your profile image which was uploaded to your membership on 09-Nov-05 has been removed as it was deemed inappropriate for the site."
I’m left speechless!
I can however speak on another subject which is one of useful links:- a YFC resource site, that has some good stuff for secondary schools work, they do also encourage you to submit your ideas! Also from YFC is Another good place looks like again lots of recourses for secondary schools work.
Lastly if you have young people (or older people for that matter) who are struggling some kind of addiction, any kind so it could be smocking but equally it could be East Enders or telly or McD’s anything, in fact I guess you could also use it the other way round, if you want to take something up like daily bible reading, have a look at
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