Good session

Last night at our youth group we had a guest speaker, Richard is currently taking a year out with Christian Aid, he came to talk to us about the work of Christian Aid and some of the things he has been able to do, it was great to be able to see a video he had made whilst in Nicaragua last year as part of this and also here him speak of what he had witnessed about how fair trade really does make a difference to peoples lives. The presentation was really good and thought provoking, for those of you nearish to Oxford I would highly recommend contacting Richard and getting him to speak to your group, if your further afield then Christian aid have offices all over the country and many of them will have some able to come and do something very similar. This was especially good after the Make Poverty History stuff that went on last year and for the young people to be able the hear about some of the differences that the campaigning they were involved with has made in our world.
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