A sad day for the film industry
In my previous incarnation (or employment if you prefer) I was a photographer/photographic technician and so it was with much sadness that I read this morning of the passing of one of the greatest film emulsions ever to have been made, Fujichrome Velvia 50 has fantastic colour reproduction and a grain so fine it’s unbelievable, it must be almost 15 years since this film was first introduced to the market and I brought a role as soon as it was available and fell in love with it. Although I don’t do much photography now to have a chance to use this film still fills me with excitement because I know that if I do my job properly I will end up with some beautiful pictures. Stocks are still available at the moment, I don’t know if I shall get to buy any but if you still use a film camera and want to try something different especially if you want great landscape photos get yourself some of this, for best prices try here.

If your more of a print film user then I would recommend trying this one, I was fortunate to try one of the first rolls in the country of this film and again it is fantastic I have used loads of this stuff and it is well worth a try, the one thing I would say though if you do, get it processed properly!
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