It’s that time of year again.

I am currently sitting in my office with a big cushion up my jumper and dressed as FC (although I have just pulled the beard down as it was causing my glasses to steam up!) yes it’s the playgroup Christmas party again and I have been drafted in for the second year, I suppose this is one of the problems with being married to the chair person of the playgroup that meets in the building where I have my office! Anyway I was just finishing getting dressed when was asked if I could come 10 minutes later hence now typing dressed like this.
On a more serious not I have just got myself invited into the secondary school carol services (they have to do it in two sittings) to do the prayers, prayers and carols will be the only Christian content so I am wondering if I should ask if I can say a few words before the prayers just to get something of a challenge in there, I think I’ll drop them an email.
Ho Ho Ho.
PS. if you promise to be good boys and girls I might see if I can add a picture latter.
Update: 2 things that came out of being Father Christmas:-
- Jonah was a little better this year than last, he came up to me after the handing out of gifts and said “look Father Christmas what you gave me, your not the real Father Christmas your daddy.”
- One mother who insisted on telling me three times that she had been a good girl and could she therefore sit on my knee.
Labels: Christmas
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