Friday, January 26, 2007

A very strange dream

I don’t sleep well, as a general rule I have a bad nights sleep much more often than a good one, and it’s not too rare that I have a very bad nights sleep. Last night the bad sleep was due to a dream that I’m going to share with you ‘cos it was very odd and slightly worrying. I was in a building with a friend (although no-one specific) who was concerned about this one room. We went into the room and it felt a little weird and then the friend said a persons name suddenly the lights flickered and these voices could be heard coming from nowhere. The dream went on, we tested a little and tried a few different things and decided the room was possessed and decided to pray. In my dream I was praying and trying to cast out demons and it was half way through this prayer I work up, very suddenly wide awake, strangely I didn’t get back to sleep all that easily and the dream is still playing on my mind, where did that come from?

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