Fat & Frantic 5 - How Cool is this?

Welcome Tuff to the blog, yes after my most popular posts in the past being about Fat & Frantic one of the band has found it and joined the discussion and I can now reveal there is even the possibility of FAFs music becoming available on itunes which is so exciting (I’m not quite sure why I am so excited as I think I have most of it) we will now be able to get hold of these fantastic tunes again, replace lost or damaged recordings and introduce so many more people to the music that has so enriched our lives. This is the music that started off my passion for red telephone boxes (which now means I have a collection of over 60 models and have even been known (in my younger years) with a friend to serenade a phone box, this got the attention of the people in the restraint opposite I can tell you).
This is great news Tuff, thanks for bringing it to us and please do keep us informed of any progress.
PS. If all goes to plan there should be a ‘filled under’ just below here which means that you should from now on be able to find posts on certain subjects a bit easier, including previous Fat & Frantic ones.
Sorry i've been trying to get this to work but not there yet!
Labels: FAF
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