The post below now seams even more out of date as it refused to post yesterday, so sorry about that, I have put a proper update at the bottom though!

Now I know I’m not the first to comment on the snow but I thought I should write something, after last years debate about snow on certain blogs, and the lack of snow we got in Faringdon, this morning we were greeted with a good 5 or 6cm, we then missed Zac’s school being mentioned on the radio as closed and so we got him to the school late to find out it was closed but hey, the picture is the phone box outside his school, as I’m sure some of you know I am a bit of a fan of phone boxes so this was a great opportunity, unfortunately I only had my phone with me though, I am currently working on saving for a digital camera but the one I like is around the £1000 mark, the problem with having worked in the trade before becoming a youth worker I suppose, I won’t be happy unless I know it will give the kind of quality I am used to getting from decent film etc.
Update: well this morning not quite so exciting, one child at pre-school but older son’s school still not open, he’s got the joy of shopping. I was intrigued y a notice as I arrived at pre-school this morning though it read ‘warning slippery ice’ this got me thinking, is the a non slippery form of ice? I’m also feeling guilty as I didn’t get the time yesterday to help the boys make a snowman and I feel I should have made it so I hereby apologise for my bad parenting.
Update 2: just looked out the window and despite all the forecasts we seam to be having more heavy snow at the moment, maybe I can build that snowman after lunch?
Labels: snow, weather
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