Tuesday, April 26, 2005


I’m sorry I’ve been so slack, life has been crazy and I don’t seam to have had time for all the things I have needed to do and unfortunately although I consider my blog important it doesn’t quite hit necessity. So what has been happening, well loads but just a few highlights:-
Last week we had a confirmation service, we had 6 young people from our own church and 3 adults so that was great, Bishop Stephen (bishop of Reading) was on top form and delivered a superb message.
Other major event was the bus which I finally got to MOT yesterday and it passed, we just need to do a little tidying up and should be back on the road next week.
On top of all that I have been doing has been the building excitement as we draw ever closer to Thursday and an event that I have been waiting for for the past 20 years or so. The day will change the lives of many people I believe although I unfortunately have to wait until Wednesday 4th May before I get the full benefit and final see H2G2 the movie. Words cannot describe the anticipation, the excitement and the slight concern that the name Disney brings me although all reports so far are very good.
I am now going to watch the preview from the Times ‘The month’ disk that came out this Sunday and no doubt I shall be back to blog some more about life the universe and youthwork type stuff again in the not too distant future (at least not as long as I have left it over the past few weeks!)
For now I leave you with one question and one piece of advice:-
What’s this fish doing in my ear?
Where every you are, where ever you go, what ever you do, don’t forget your towel!

My Hero! Marvin the Paranoid Android

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Off the road again

Went for the MOT and there had been a mix up with paper work and they couldn’t do it today, in fact they can’t do it for a fortnight! Agghhh!!! Although saying that we think it would have failed! So it is currently back at the garage awaiting a couple of adjustments before we get it back to try and tidy it up ready to go back out assuming it passes on the 25th. BTW if anybody fancies a trip on a bus to a commercial vehicle testing centre leaving Faringdon at 6am please let me know!

39 Years!

The last 2 and a bit weeks of onmebus has been a celebration of 39 years since Simon and Garfuncel released their hit "The sound of silence" I have done my best to recreate all that this track said in all my articles during this time, I hope you feel touched and moved by the experience!

On a more realistic note, I had a really busy week when I should have been off sick, one of the joys of ministry I suppose! Then a really stupid week feeling slightly better but trying to catch up, then a weeks holiday, which was much needed! I am now back, I feel much better health wise and refreshed from a hols and seeing old friends (went back up to Norfolk the place I call home!), I have my laptop up and running and today I take the bus for it’s MOT, things are looking up. Although it is another stupidly busy week. Thanks for your concerns over my health the two/three of you Kathryn , Sarah & Roy who took the trouble to wish me well. I shall be back soon hopefully with good news about the bus!