Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The all new OnMeBus is here!

This will be the last feed on this address please visit the site at www.onmebus.net to update to the new feed.

Thank you

Sunday, February 18, 2007

A quick apology

When OnMeBus moved to the new address I messed up the feeds, therefore you may have missed a few updates, it also broke the email link, this does now work but I’m afraid the feed address will change again when I switch to the new look hopefully tomorrow! (you will get a feed on the current address letting you know it has happened though)


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy Birthday & Top Gear

Yesterday was the second Birthday of OnMeBus and it was the day I was hoping to relaunch with the new look etc, however there have been a few set back but that should happen possibly later today but more likely early next week.

I also wanted to talk about Top Gear though. Yesterday also being Valentines Gill and I celebrated with a Chinese take away and watched Top Gear (how romantic I know, but then it was about 3 in the afternoon before we even remembered it was valentines!) This was a repeat of Sunday episode so if you saw it you will know what I am talking about if not you can see the relevant clip here (I would watch it no before you read on!) Now I know that a lot of Top Gear now is about stupid stunts etc but I felt this decorate each others cars to see if you can get the other arrested or shot was going too far and in poor taste only made worse by the fact that it is only a few months since Richard Hammond nearly lost his life filming for the show! But this act was set up to deliberately, deeply offend people, now some of their stunts have annoyed people, drive time radio show, road resurfacing, trying to play golf and keep arguing and holding up the whole course, but these were not offensive unlike this latest stunt in America, there was indeed one point where they did nearly get them selves caught by the locals who were not at all impressed. What’s more it had nothing to do with the cars or even what they were trying to show you could do (or not as the case turned out which was to do a fly drive holiday but buy a car instead of rent.) I personally think this was irresponsible and distasteful programming by the producers and the BBC and I was very disappointed that they would call this entertainment.

The slight redeeming aspect of the programme was finishing off in an area that a year ago had been hit by hurricane Katrina and they were supposed to be trying to sell the cars, however they were so hit by the devastation that still existed that they offered them to a local charity who put them in contact with local people who still had no car after the hurricane took everything they owned.

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Friday, February 09, 2007

Frosty the snowman

Well after lunch I took some time out, we went for a bit of a walk and tried some sledging (well bin baggin really as we don’t have a sledge!) this didn’t work well but we did have a good few snowballs which was good then got home and built a snowman, photo evidence below, although it was again taken on the phone so not great level of detail, like you can’t see it has legs and feet but hey!


Current view from my window

I just looked out and saw it’s snowing quite heavily again so thought I’d take a quick picture to share with you all.
view from office

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Cold calling

The post below now seams even more out of date as it refused to post yesterday, so sorry about that, I have put a proper update at the bottom though!

phoneboxsnowNow I know I’m not the first to comment on the snow but I thought I should write something, after last years debate about snow on certain blogs, and the lack of snow we got in Faringdon, this morning we were greeted with a good 5 or 6cm, we then missed Zac’s school being mentioned on the radio as closed and so we got him to the school late to find out it was closed but hey, the picture is the phone box outside his school, as I’m sure some of you know I am a bit of a fan of phone boxes so this was a great opportunity, unfortunately I only had my phone with me though, I am currently working on saving for a digital camera but the one I like is around the £1000 mark, the problem with having worked in the trade before becoming a youth worker I suppose, I won’t be happy unless I know it will give the kind of quality I am used to getting from decent film etc.

Update: well this morning not quite so exciting, one child at pre-school but older son’s school still not open, he’s got the joy of shopping. I was intrigued y a notice as I arrived at pre-school this morning though it read ‘warning slippery ice’ this got me thinking, is the a non slippery form of ice? I’m also feeling guilty as I didn’t get the time yesterday to help the boys make a snowman and I feel I should have made it so I hereby apologise for my bad parenting.

Update 2: just looked out the window and despite all the forecasts we seam to be having more heavy snow at the moment, maybe I can build that snowman after lunch?

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Thursday, February 01, 2007


Welcome to my new home, it’s good to have you here, do come in, make yourself comfortable, grab a feed and soon we shall continue on our journey. As with moving into any new home there is always lots of work to be done and soon I hope to get some decorating done and rearrange things including some major structural work as I make the move from blogger to wordpress and we shall see what else happens.
Thanks for popping by oh and don’t forget to let others know I have moved if you have a link to the old address on your blog or site.
Feed addresses are:
RSS: http://www.onmebus.net/rss.xml
Atom: http://www.onmebus.net/atom.xml
feedburner: http://feeds.feedburner.com/onmebus

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Well as announced yesterday the blog has now moved, this is the last entry at this address. I will try and set up a forward at the address to the new one but it may not last long as my hosting has moved and there have been a few issues which might make that impossible. In the mean time head across to www.onmebus.net alter your rss or atom feeds and see what happens next.

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