Last week seemed to fly by with loads going on all the time, it was great to be at CRE on Thursday and catch up with many old friends,
Dave’s free postcard was absolutely fantastic, if you haven’t seen it click
here. I think Dave you have the makings of some good posters here especially with this one and the
kitchen cartoons!
Also last week had two conformation services (only to be trumped by the Bishops 6) Thursday evening saw three of my youth group being confirmed at a deanery conformation service and then on Friday another of my young people at her school, both great occasions, it’s always so encouraging to see members of your youth group take these steps of faith, whatever your theology of conformation the fact that they want to make a public declaration in front of friends and family (one of them eve had non Christian friends come along). It was also great as it meant o got to hear Bishop Stephen preach twice which is always a blessing as he is a very inspiring preacher. Then on Sunday it was first communion and welcoming into the church and I was preaching which was good, I don’t get to do that as often as I would like at the moment, not that I have the time to prepare for preaching too often anyway.
Well anyway it was a busy week but a great week. This week off to hear
Kenda Creasy Dean tomorrow in Oxford the author of
Practicing Passion (supposed to be very good but as a non reader I haven’t actually read it, I would like too but I’m not going to go into all of that now!) really looking forward to that, was supposed to be going to a rural funding day on Thursday but by the time I got commitment from others to go I had missed out on all the tickets! My wife is pleased I may not be going though as it’s also my Birthday, I shall be ??. so looking like a good week, I may even get to write hear again!