Thursday, August 31, 2006
Sorry it has been a long time since I have written again went of to soul survivor then headed off on Holiday to Northern Ireland, a great time and lots to write but lots of other stuff to catch up with as well so I will try and up date you soon, must say hi to little Alice though, it was great to see you again at SS and meet ‘Mr Little Alice’ otherwise known as Steve Price of ‘Steve Price Illusions’ fame (who I knew online through the Fellowship of Christian Magicians for those of you who don’t know him or of him) Also great to meet Mark Burgess another FCM member. Anyway must go I will update further soon.
Monday, August 07, 2006

Just came across this site and thought I should tell you about it. You know how if you want to call just about any company now you generally have to call an 0870 number which could charge you up to almost 8p per minute, some companies will give you an 0845 these can still be up to almost 4p per minute, if you had their normal landline number the call should cost no more than 3p per minute and of course if you have a deal that includes all your calls then 0845 and 0870 are exempt from that, well this is the site that you need pop along to enter the number you want to call and 9 times out of 10 you will get an 01 or 02 number at the cheaper or free rate. It is sometimes worth a quick look around for different numbers at companies as they sometimes have an 0870 number that will take you straight to a specific department and the above website may not have the direct dial number but you may be able to find the switchboard number and they can easily put you through while you save the money!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Help please!
I am currently going through the process of becoming a ‘licensed youth worker’ (a bit like being a licensed lay minister/lay preacher but more youth specific) anyway our helpful Mr Youthblog has very kindly recommended a couple of books then gone on holiday before the letter arrives and I find that they are not available any more (at least not very easily). So here’s the long shot anybody have a copy of ‘Relational Youthwork’ by Pete Ward and/or ‘Informal Education’ by Tony Jeffs & Mark Smith. Any help would be greatly appreciated.