No. 3

There was another one which had a hand with the thumb sticking up kind of saying everything’s OK in here but I didn’t get a very clear copy of that one.
Come for a journey on me bus! we will be stopping off at thoughts, reflections, distractions etc about youthwork, God, bus driving (or perhaps more to the point running a bus based youth project.) and anything else that grabs my attention. Next stop?
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Finally got home about 11:35 last night, the bus abandoned in a car park just down the road from my house. Hopefully we can get it fixed for Monday when we are due to next take it out, the local bus company think they have the part we need (fortunate as they are hard to come across because of the age, they needed one over the summer and happened to order a spare!) Anyway thanks to Bob for the rescue, sorry to get you out of bed and lets hope we keep going a bit longer!
This morning our youngest thought it would be fun to wake up at 5:30, we managed to get him back to sleep, for about an hour, we tired again and eventually he slept again, then come 7, 7:30 and beyond he is fast asleep and didn’t get up till around 8:15, long after we had had to get up AAAAGGGGHHHH! But I love him dearly.
Being the incredibly well prepared youth worker that I am tonight I am supposed to be leading a session on ‘other religions’. Having just scoured my shelves for useful resources it turns out I have none, or if I do they are in the books out on loan. Anyone have a good ideas or website that might help?
I have finally finished writing my response to the question I receive on evil a couple of weeks ago, it has kind of turned into a short academic paper of around 2,000 words. I still need to get it grammar checked and then probably re-write half of it but it should be available soon, it will probably be a downloadable PDF as it’s a bit long for a post!
Update: I tried to post this yesterday but for some reason things were not working, hence above referring to something that happened two days ago as yesterday! It’s good to be back up and running again!